But in the spirit of full disclosure, I haven't tried very many of these, they just look really great! Hopefully you won't be posting a #pinterestfail after trying one of these! :)
I found all of these on Pinterest, and give credit and links where they are due.
Enjoy! :)
1. Monogrammed Canvas Tote
I think this is incredibly classy, and (hopefully) easy to do! Teachers, nurses, bus drivers, babysitters, friends...I'm sure they would all love to have one of these!

2. Boot Socks
I know I'm a little tardy to the party, but I really think boot socks are cute! But at $20 (or more) for a pair, I'm more than happy to chop up a thrifted sweater and call it good! (and use the body of the sweater to make a pillow! Double bonus!) Who do you know that wears boots? Or has pillows? Hustle to a thrift store and get cracking! :)

3. Burlap Monogram Tote
I made these a couple of years ago for the preschool teachers, and they continue to comment on how much they love them! It was a really easy project.

4. Lemon Bath Bombs
My mouth is watering at the mere thought of these! I haven't made them, but I imagine the fragrance to be light and invigorating and sunny. Make some for your favorite bath-loving friend, and make her day! (obviously these are not for eating...)

5. Cinnamon Coffee Scrub
Who can use a little pick me up in the shower? Coffee and scrubbing away the callouses sounds like a great way to wake up! :) And the amount of cute jars available is astounding. There's really no reason you couldn't make this -- we all know SOMEONE who loves coffee, right?

6. Detox Bath
It's that time of year where we are exposed to a ton of germs, and are busy and stressed and aren't getting enough rest or water, so those germs can grab hold and knock us down! Well, this detox bath might be just the thing for a busy friend. We all love to feel pampered AND getting healthy at the same time!:)

7. Jasmine Bath Salts
Here's a true story: When I was pregnant with both of my daughters, I had to have non-stress tests in the hospital 2x a week for 7 weeks prior to their birth. Well, the courtyard outside the hospital was just flourishing with jasmine plants, and since this was April and May, they were flowering like CRAZY! I was always nervous going into those very stressful non-stress tests, and felt calmed by the fragrance of the Jasmine. I've always loved the smell of Jasmine, but it now holds a special place in my heart. These bath salts will be a blessing for anyone you give them to. :)

8. Emergency Nail Repair Kit
I'm totally making these up for all the teachers to keep in the classroom. And I will, of course, be adding a set of JAMS to the kit! :) Gotta keep those teachers feeling pampered and loved and pretty, right? :) Also, instead of a full bottle of polish remover, I'm just getting a box of polish remover wipes and putting them in the kit. No one likes a renegade bottle of polish remover! :)

9. Peppermint Foot Soak
I can only imagine how good this would feel after a long day of shopping. Or running errands. Or wearing the heels we tend to wear to any fancy Christmas dinners... I think a peppermint foot soak will be just the right mix of relaxing and invigorating. Perfect for anyone with feet. :)

10. Puzzle Collage
Doesn't this look fun? When you're at the thrift store getting a sweater, grab a puzzle, and have your kids sort out the pieces by color. I know craft stores like Michaels are constantly putting canvases on sale, and then put the kiddos to work helping you! I think this would be a great addition to any room - for a young person or old!

11. Sugar Soap Scrub
I made this a few years ago for myself and keep it on the shelf in the shower. I love it. Seriously. I even changed the kind of soap we use in the kitchen because I love this fragrance so much! :) It's an easy, and simple, and much-appreciated gift for anyone you know.

12. Tile Photo Coasters
Everyone loves to show off pictures of their kids and grandkids, right? But sometimes there's no wall space left! So a coaster is a great alternative. And these are really easy to make. Find your favorite pictures, and some simple tiles, and go for it! Have fun with it! Let the kiddos help! :)

So, there you have it! Some great ideas for gifts to make this year! I hope your holidays are wonderful and filled with blessings.
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